Bedroom Interior Design
Kitchen Decorating

Modern Swiss Chalet Interior by tecARCHITECTURE

Swiss chalet style is a style of architecture that originated in Germany in the early 19th century and had popularity in certain areas in Europe and North America. The Scheider Chalet is a modern version of the classic Swiss chalet which was renovated by tecARCHITECTURE which was commissioned by a client who wanted something modern, and rather than be limited by the draconian building restrictions. Based on the concept, tec success to play within the rules to create something entirely different and the result is this modern swiss chalet complete with its luxury interior design. Please check it more from the picture below…!

Modern Chalet Living room Furniture design
Modern Interior
Swiss Chalet Luxury Bathtub designModern Interior
Modern Chalet Bedroom designModern Interior
Modern Chalet Open Dining SpacesModern Interior
Modern Chalet Kitchen designModern Interior Modern Chalet Dining Furniture design
Modern Interior Modern Chalet Powder room design
Modern Interior tecARCHITECTURE Modern Chalet Renovation Result
Modern Interior


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